Weekly update 1

Welcome to my weekly update on my writing, readings, and other interesting ideas. If you like what you're reading, make sure to subscribe to receive the next newsletter!

Welcome to my weekly update on my writing, readings, and other interesting ideas. If you like what you're reading, make sure to subscribe to receive the next newsletter!

Writing Journey

  • Not much creative writing is happening these days. Recently, I came up with a short story idea. I was thrilled; I hadn't had an exciting bite-sized idea in a long time. I quickly took notes and prepared the plot points, but I couldn't get down to writing.
    • I jotted down lots of details about the plot points.
    • I structured the story, but I couldn't find details about the conflicts and the characters' journey when I started writing.
    • Eventually, I decided to write a minisaga (a 50-word short story) to make myself write down the whole story.
      • It ended up being 300 words, a promising progress.
      • However, I'm still stuck with the details.
      • I lost interest in the details of this story because the story I have in mind is a sci-fi one, a genre that I wouldn't say I like that much, but ironically, it's easier for me to come up with ideas for.
    • For now, I paused this story and decided to focus on my nonfiction writing in this newsletter and my blog.
    • I'll set aside occasional timeslots to expand the story but won't force myself to write it.


  • I'm taking this fantastic course these days: Masterpieces of World Literature
    • Before committing to reading, I started this course to learn about some intimidating classics.
    • Most lectures are in discussion format, and they're absolute gems.
    • So far, I've learned about "The Epic of Gilgamesh" and "The Odyssey".


  • These days, I mostly read books from my fantasy tournament.
    • I chose these series/books to check out next:
      • The Second Apocalypse
      • First Law World
      • Remembrance of Earth's Past
      • The Emperor's Soul
  • I'm also reading "Bird by Bird." This is my latest highlight from the book:

One of the things that happens when you give yourself permission to start writing is that you start thinking like a writer. You start seeing everything as material.

Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird (Canons) (p. 138). Canongate Books. Kindle Edition.

  • Lastly, I read a few pages from the ancient masterpiece, "The Epic of Gilgamesh," as part of the reading assignment for the Masterpieces of World Literature course I mentioned earlier.

That's it for the past week's updates. If you want to support this newsletter, please make sure to subscribe. Comment on your thoughts and ideas on what I shared; I'd love to read them!

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